Sissy Wish

简介: Sissy Wish是挪威女歌手Siri W?lberg的艺名。在繁茂的挪威音乐花丛中,Sissy Wish可谓是一朵奇葩,她的音乐中充满独特的艺术气质、反传统的流行旋律和编曲。首张专辑《You May breath》发表后不久,即赢得挪威格莱美奖。但作为一名艺术家Sissy W 更多>

Sissy Wish是挪威女歌手Siri W?lberg的艺名。在繁茂的挪威音乐花丛中,Sissy Wish可谓是一朵奇葩,她的音乐中充满独特的艺术气质、反传统的流行旋律和编曲。首张专辑《You May breath》发表后不久,即赢得挪威格莱美奖。但作为一名艺术家Sissy Wish一直在不断的努力求新求变,突破自我。在2007年第三张专辑《Beauties Never Die》的配器中,采用了大量廉价合成器、玩具风琴和粗糙的吉他音色,构建出意想不到的音乐氛围。Sissy Wish 在随后的巡演中逐渐确立了三人电音乐队的演出形式。
by Kenyon Hopkin
Norwegian pop artist Sissy Wish (aka Siri Wålberg) made her debut with the Six Feet Tall EP in 2003. As an unsigned artist she received much attention and exposure on Norwegian radio and in early 2005, she won a Norwegian Grammy for the debut album You May Breathe (2004). Following 2005's Tuning In, she signed on with Sony BMG for the third album, Beauties Never Die, available March 2007 in her home country.

