No Age

简介: 虽然在流行榜上屡见佳绩,但Sub Pop厂牌却没有忘却DIY音乐精神,从新签回来的No Age可见一斑。
No Age是结他手Randy Randall和鼓手Dean Spunt的二人阵式,乐队名字是来自80年代Hardcore厂牌SST的合辑《NO AGE》,碟内参与 更多>

虽然在流行榜上屡见佳绩,但Sub Pop厂牌却没有忘却DIY音乐精神,从新签回来的No Age可见一斑。
No Age是结他手Randy Randall和鼓手Dean Spunt的二人阵式,乐队名字是来自80年代Hardcore厂牌SST的合辑《NO AGE》,碟内参与名字Sonic Youth、Black Flag等正正是No Age的音乐根源。他们初出道凭—日内推出五张黑胶单曲而成名,这些大部分已成Collector s Item,想听的话可从Fat Cat替他们辑录的精选《Weirdo Rippers》。
玩Gimmick不难,但噱头与听头兼备却不是易事,No Age音乐上能做到有玩味之馀,也充满天马行空的实验色彩,难得还具备悦耳的调子,将Avant Rock的可能性无限地放大。《Nouns》里窥见不同类别的Lo-Fi音符,《Eraser》有如《Isn't Anyting》时期My Bloody Valentine的爆裂噪音墙,而《Sleeper Hold》则像是Sonic Youth的No Wave余韵,还有简约Drone味的《Things I Did When I Was Dead》以及清爽Sunshine味的《Cappo》,尽现无定向风的Lo-Fi Rock真谛。
Los Angeles experimental lo-fi drum-and-guitar duo No Age are Dean Spunt and Randy Randall, ex-members of hardcore band Wives. Through assorted indie labels, No Age released limited runs of vinyl-only EPs before collecting many of those tracks for the singles collection Weirdo Rippers, issued by U.K. label FatCat in summer 2007. The record's cover pays respect to the Smell, a venue/art space they felt was partially responsible for the livelihood of both No Age and Wives. The duo is also known for its videos, performance art, and visual art, as well as curating an exhibition that included works by Devendra Banhart and others. The band moved to Sub Pop for its full-fledged debut album Nouns, which appeared in spring 2008.

No Age详细资料(以下内容包含:No Age 歌曲列表 专辑唱片列表等信息)
No Age生日:

No Age档案之所有专辑

  • 2024年推出专辑:《Nouns》
  • 2023年推出专辑:《Everything In Between》