Howling Bells

简介: Howling Bells,嚎叫的编钟,华丽的编钟。
  一个来自澳洲的新乐队,一女三男,在英国发展。他们身上散发着令人难以抗拒的海洋气息。第一次听Night is young时,我就在想,这就是深海之音,深邃、纯净而幽暗。
  女主唱Juanita St 更多>

Howling Bells,嚎叫的编钟,华丽的编钟。
  一个来自澳洲的新乐队,一女三男,在英国发展。他们身上散发着令人难以抗拒的海洋气息。第一次听Night is young时,我就在想,这就是深海之音,深邃、纯净而幽暗。
  女主唱Juanita Stein是个美丽的女人,如同青涩的果子。美丽女人并无稀奇之处。对我来说这个美丽女人的独特之处还在于她完美的声线与深厚的唱功。嗓音如同呼之欲出的果核,清新、甜美而坚硬,声线在柔韧与圆润之间曼妙游走。
  Juanita Stein在我静坐之时唱出梦呓的诗句,简单、慵懒,令我沉醉不已。那种焦虑的青春气息如同梦一般掠过我饱满光洁的额头,沉于深醉之海。
  作为新晋的独立摇滚乐队,他们获得了很多的机遇和大牌乐队同台演出的机会,这使得他们变的更加成熟。我不想把他们和任何一个风格类似的乐队做比较,Juanita Stein是独特的,唯一的,她所带给我的惊喜远远大于Cat power 和 Keren Ann。
  Howling Bells,嚎叫的编钟,我深爱的编钟,今夜你在我耳边响起澳洲海洋的深海之音,一种深邃而忧郁的蓝。
Dark country & western rock group Howling Bells is Juanita Stein (vocals, guitar), Joel Stein (guitars), Brendan Picchio (bass) and Glenn Moule (drums). Formed in 2005 after a prior incarnation named Waikiki, the members moved their homebase from Sydney to London. Their self-titled debut was recorded in May 2006 by Ken Nelson (Coldplay) and distributed by Bella Union. Bands of note that Howling Bells has supported on tour include the Futureheads, Placebo, the Killers and Snow Patrol.

