Andy Burrows

简介: Andy Burrows 是Razorlight乐队里的鼓手,但又不仅仅是一个在舞台上挥汗如雨、才华横溢的鼓手,还是一个斯文浪漫的民谣音乐人。Andy Burrows在等待录制Razorlight的第三张专辑的期间,独自一人出了《The Colour Of My Dreams 》 更多>

Andy Burrows 是Razorlight乐队里的鼓手,但又不仅仅是一个在舞台上挥汗如雨、才华横溢的鼓手,还是一个斯文浪漫的民谣音乐人。Andy Burrows在等待录制Razorlight的第三张专辑的期间,独自一人出了《The Colour Of My Dreams 》这张原生态专辑,完成了这张个人专辑。作为 Razorlight的鼓手Andy Burrows,不单鼓打的有型,而且是一个多才艺的人,这张个人专辑《The Colour Of My Dreams 》只有13分的长度,整张专辑短小精悍,11首歌曲都是1分或者1分多一点的长度。是Andy Burrows在自己的卧室用电脑录制完成。Andy Burrows用这张专辑销售的利润将捐助到自己家乡Winchester(温彻斯特)的慈善机构,来帮助在家乡的贫困小孩.
British multi-instrumentalist Andy Burrows, born June 30, 1974, is chiefly known as the drummer for Razorlight, replacing the band's original drummer, Christian Smith-Pancorvo, in 2004. Razorlight were formed in London in 2002 around vocalist/guitarist Johnny Borrell and guitarist/vocalist and Swedish ex-pat Björn Ågnen, and with Burrows on board, and with Carl Dalemo on bass, the combo recorded its official album debut, Up All Night, in August 2004. The band's second album, a self-titled effort produced by Chris Thomas (INXS, the Pretenders), arrived in summer 2006. Burrows used his down time from the band to record a solo album in his bedroom, playing all the instruments and basing the songs around a book of poetry by an old family friend. The resulting album, Colour of My Dreams, was released by Razorlight's label, Mercury Records, in 2008.

Andy Burrows详细资料(以下内容包含:Andy Burrows 歌曲列表 专辑唱片列表等信息)
Andy Burrows生日:

Andy Burrows档案之所有专辑

  • 2021年推出专辑:《If I Had A Heart (Radio Edit)》
  • 2021年推出专辑:《The Colour of My Dreams》
  • 2012年推出专辑:《Hometown》
  • 2012年推出专辑:《Company》