Sibylle Baier

简介: 关于歌手Sibylle Baier,年轻的时候,她住在斯图加特。带两个孩子,以演舞台剧为生。
有一次朋友带她旅行。从法国的斯特拉斯堡上路,越过了阿尔卑斯山的尽头,来到热那亚。返途中,她写了一首歌,《Remember the day》。
她听从内心声音,第一次如 更多>

关于歌手Sibylle Baier,年轻的时候,她住在斯图加特。带两个孩子,以演舞台剧为生。
有一次朋友带她旅行。从法国的斯特拉斯堡上路,越过了阿尔卑斯山的尽头,来到热那亚。返途中,她写了一首歌,《Remember the day》。
她开始习惯用歌声记录自己的生活与秘密。 每当夜深家人都入睡后,她便悄悄抱起吉他轻声吟唱。窗外是暮色,月光,和她静静的梦想。她的歌即是她的日记她的表情,她在平凡生活里对岁月与远方的唯一所求。那些秘密的诗意被录在一盒旧磁带里。她深知它敏感易碎,只给家人和少数几个要好的朋友听。许多人因此在几十年漫长的时光里错过了一个女人惊人的才华与忧郁。  
许多年后,儿子送给年迈的母亲一件生日礼物——他把她的歌整理并翻制成了CD。两年后,一个叫Orange Twin的厂牌出版发行了这张尘封三十多年的专辑《Colour Green》。她从未大红,也很少有人知道她唱歌。《Colour Green》发行后,一个德国男人在音像店里偶然听到它,喃喃地说:原来是旧相识呢。   
这个人,叫Wim Wenders。这个女人,叫Sibylle Baier。她其实很早以前就就在他的电影中演出过。那部电影叫《Alice dans les Villes》,那是1973年。她在电影里仅仅出现了一次。
Sibylle Baier is a German folk singer and actress whose musical abilities achieved belated recognition with the 2006 release of the album Colour Green, compiled from songs she had recorded in the early 1970s.
Having played the guitar and piano as a young girl, she was moved to write her first song, "Remember The Day", after taking a road trip with a friend across the Alps to Genoa, via Strasbourg.
She appeared in Wim Wenders's 1973 film Alice in the Cities, and her music is also featured in Umarmungen und andere Sachen (1975) and in Wim Wenders's Palermo Shooting (2008). Baier opted not to pursue an acting or singing career, and eventually moved to America, where she concentrated on bringing up a family.
The songs that went on to make up her album Colour Green were home reel-to-reel tape recordings Baier had made in Germany between 1970 and 1973. Some 30 years later, her son Robby compiled a CD from these recordings to give to family members as presents. He also gave a copy to Dinosaur Jr's J Mascis, who in turn passed it along to the Orange Twin label. Orange Twin released the album in February 2006.