The Holy Modal Rounders

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The Holy Modal Rounders是1960来自美国纽约贫民区的两人民谣组合,包括Peter Stampfel和Steve Weber,最早乐队名字叫做Perfect Sound Forever,据他们两人说其实他们一直在换名字。例如Total Qu 更多>

The Holy Modal Rounders是1960来自美国纽约贫民区的两人民谣组合,包括Peter Stampfel和Steve Weber,最早乐队名字叫做Perfect Sound Forever,据他们两人说其实他们一直在换名字。例如Total Quintessence Stomach Pumpers,Temporal Worth High Steppers,Motherf*cker Creek Babyrapers,两人也互称对方为Rinky-Dink Steve the Tin Horn和Fast Lightning Cumquat,甚至Teddy Boy Forever和Wild Blue Yonder。第一张同名专辑发表于1964,混合了当时的民谣复兴和迷幻成份,销量非常好,1965年便发行了第二张The Holy Modal Rounders 2,之后他们曾加入Ed Sanders和Tuli Kupferberg的Fugs一段时间
The Holy Modal Rounders were an American folk music duo from the Lower East Side of New York City which started in the early 1960s, consisting of Peter Stampfel and Steve Weber. Their unique blend of folk music revival and psychedelia gave them a cult-like following from the late 60s into the 70s. For a time the band also featured prolific and famous playwright and actor, Sam Shepard.

The Holy Modal Rounders详细资料(以下内容包含:The Holy Modal Rounders 歌曲列表 专辑唱片列表等信息)
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The Holy Modal Rounders档案之所有专辑

  • 2024年推出专辑:《Easy Rider (Music from the Soundtrack)》
  • 2023年推出专辑:《Indian War Whoop》
  • 2023年推出专辑:《Live in 1965 (Complete Recording)》