Fats Navarro

简介: 费特斯·纳凡诺是仅次于迪吉·葛拉斯比的咆勃小喇叭手,费特斯在乐曲吹奏即兴时相当注重旋律的和谐性与情感融入的传达演奏,他擅长使用小喇叭的中音域部分,不论在快速的咆勃即兴还充满柔情的抒情曲目,费特斯精湛的吹奏技巧完美诠释每一段音符、精准而充满创意与情感!他 更多>

by Scott Yanow
One of the greatest jazz trumpeters of all time, Fats Navarro had a tragically brief career yet his influence is still being felt. His fat sound combined aspects of Howard McGhee, Roy Eldridge, and Dizzy Gillespie, became the main inspiration for Clifford Brown, and through Brownie greatly affected the tones and styles of Lee Morgan, Freddie Hubbard, and Woody Shaw.
Navarro originally played piano and tenor before switching to trumpet. He started gigging with dance bands when he was 17, was with Andy Kirk during 1943-1944, and replaced Dizzy Gillespie with the Billy Eckstine big band during 1945-1946. During the next three years, Fats was second to only Dizzy among bop trumpeters. Navarro recorded with Kenny Clarkes Be Bop Boys, Coleman Hawkins, Eddie Lockjaw Davis, Illinois Jacquet, and most significantly Tadd Dameron during 1946-1947. He had short stints with the big bands of Lionel Hampton and Benny Goodman, continued working with Dameron, made classic recordings with Bud Powell (in a quintet with a young Sonny Rollins) and the Metronome All-Stars, and a 1950 Birdland appearance with Charlie Parker was privately recorded. However, Navarro was a heroin addict and that affliction certainly did not help him in what would be a fatal bout with tuberculosis that ended his life at age 26. He was well ed during the 1946-1949 period and most of his sessions are currently available on CD, but Fats Navarro (who would have turned 72 in 1995) could have done so much more.