The Durutti Column

简介: Manchester乐队,核心人物是Vini Reilly,1953出生,10开始学习吉他,早先热爱民谣和爵士,后来被punk movement所感染,加入了一支叫做Ed Banger and the Nosebleeds的乐队。1978年受Factory Records的创立人 更多>

Manchester乐队,核心人物是Vini Reilly,1953出生,10开始学习吉他,早先热爱民谣和爵士,后来被punk movement所感染,加入了一支叫做Ed Banger and the Nosebleeds的乐队。1978年受Factory Records的创立人Tony Wilson所邀签约该厂牌,并组建了The Durutti Column。乐队的名称来自于西班牙内战时期的一个著名无政府主义领袖Buenaventura Durruti。最早乐队成员有五人,后因为各种原因相继离开,最后只剩下了Vini Reilly一个人,他对于音乐的追寻和探索直到今天仍在继续。 
by Jason Ankeny
The Durutti Column was primarily the vehicle of Vini Reilly, a guitarist born in Manchester, England in 1953. As a child, Reilly first took up the piano, drawing inspiration from greats like Art Tatum and Fats Waller, before learning to play guitar at the age of ten. Despite an early affection for folk and jazz, Reilly ultimately became swept up by the punk movement, and in 1977 he joined the group Ed Banger and the Nosebleeds.
In 1978, Factory Records founder Tony Wilson invited Reilly to join a group dubbed the Durutti Column, the name inspired by the Spanish Civil War anarchist Buenaventura Durruti and a Situationists Internationale comic strip of the 1960s. Along with Reilly, the nascent band included guitarist Dave Rowbotham, drummer Chris Joyce, vocalist Phil Rainford and bassist Tony Bowers; following a handful of performances, Rainford was fired, and after recording a pair of tracks for the EP A Factory Sampler, Rowbotham, Joyce and Bowers broke off to form the Moth Men, leaving the Durutti Column the sole province of Vini Reilly.
Recorded with the aid of a few session musicians and released in a sandpaper sleeve, the debut The Return of the Durutti Column, a collection of atmospheric instrumentals, appeared in 1980. With 1981s pastoral LC, recorded with drummer Bruce Mitchell (who remained a frequent collaborator), Reilly attempted vocals on a few tracks, and continued expanding his palette with a pair of explorations of chamber music, 1982s Another Setting and 1984s Without Mercy. Electronic rhythms, meanwhile, emerged as the pivotal element of 1985s Say What You Mean, Mean What You Say.
After 1985s live effort Domo Arigato, Circuses and Bread marked a return to the densely-constructed guitar textures of previous works, while 1987s eclectic The Guitar and Other Machines ranked among the Durutti Columns most ambitious works to date. In 1988, Reilly backed Morrissey (also an alumnus of the Nosebleeds) on his solo debut Viva Hate before returning the Durutti Column to release a 1989 LP titled Vini Reilly, another diverse affair which incorporated vocal samples from Otis Redding, Annie Lennox, Tracy Chapman and opera star Joan Sutherland.
1990s aggressive Obey the Time preceded 1991s Lips That Would Kiss Form Prayers to Broken Stone, a collection of singles, rarities and unreleased material. After a long layoff, the Durutti Column returned in 1995 with Sex and Death, followed a year later by Fidelity, which fused dance beats with Reillys guitar lines. Night in New York arrived in 1999. Among Durutti alumni, Chris Joyce and Tony Bowers achieved the greatest success as members of Simply Red; tragically, founding guitarist Dave Rowbotham was slain by an axe murderer in 1991, inspiring the Happy Mondays song Cowboy Dave.

The Durutti Column详细资料(以下内容包含:The Durutti Column 歌曲列表 专辑唱片列表等信息)
The Durutti Column生日:

The Durutti Column档案之所有专辑

  • 2024年推出专辑:《Love In The Time Of Recession》
  • 2023年推出专辑:《2001-2009》
  • 2023年推出专辑:《A Paean to Wilson》
  • 2023年推出专辑:《Circuses and Bread》
  • 2023年推出专辑:《*** and Death》
  • 2023年推出专辑:《Live At The Venue》
  • 2012年推出专辑:《Short Stories for Pauline》
  • 1981年推出专辑:《LC》
  • 1980年推出专辑:《The Return of The Durutti Column》