Rose Melberg

简介: Rose Melberg,罗斯·梅尔伯格是一个音乐家和作曲家。出生于萨克拉门托,加利福尼亚州,目前定居在温哥华,不列颠哥伦比亚省,加拿大。她既是独立艺术家又是Tiger Trap的成员,其他成员还有 The Softies,Go Sailor,Gaze,Gigi,Imaginar 更多>

Rose Melberg,罗斯·梅尔伯格是一个音乐家和作曲家。出生于萨克拉门托,加利福尼亚州,目前定居在温哥华,不列颠哥伦比亚省,加拿大。她既是独立艺术家又是Tiger Trap的成员,其他成员还有 The Softies,Go Sailor,Gaze,Gigi,Imaginary Pants,Brave Irene和Knife Pleats。

梅尔伯格是由工作的音乐家抚养长大,并于1991年在华盛顿奥林匹亚举行的国际流行音乐地下大会高中毕业后,她与全女性组合Tiger Trap几乎立刻取得了成功。这个转瞬即逝的乐队在独立流行音乐界赢得了狂热追随者。继Softies解散,她生下了一个儿子,住在一起,她的丈夫和家人近温哥华,加拿大。她带着她的第二张个人专辑Cast Away the Clouds回到流行音乐世界。梅尔伯格短暂地巡演了这张专辑,其中包括Belle和Sebastian的现场开场。2006年,她演出 North East Sticks Together.

截至2011年,她是两个组合Brave Irene和Imaginary Pants中的一员。

小说到Rose Melberg, 不得不说说Twee Pop. 把Twee Pop比作泡泡糖独立摇滚乐最适合不过--它的音乐有着D.I.Y的精神,但又蔑视朋克乐的传统惯例.它有着一种自摇滚乐诞生起就未曾听到过的直率天真的特质。Twee pop的Top Artist有诸如Belle & Sebastian, Cannanes? Softies, Tiger Trap等等,而Melberg最初是Tiger Trap的vocal和guitar,接着担任Softies的主唱,后来还跑去Gaze打鼓。98年Melberg发行了自己的专辑Portola,时阁6年,又推出了这张Cast Away the Clouds. Melberg也许并不算Twee Pop最好的演绎者,事实上,从这张专辑里她身上最后的indie痕迹渐渐移除,Melberg开始成长为真正成熟的Vocalist。Cast Away the Clouds是如此的乾净,无拘束,稀疏的钢琴漂浮在吉他中,Melberg天使般甜美的嗓音让你感觉仿佛她就坐在你身边,和你一同在云端漂向天堂。

Rose Melberg is indie pop royalty. Beginning in 1992, the diminutive singe

r/songwriter began a streak of classic bands and recordings. First was the riot pop band Tiger Trap, formed in Sacramento, CA, in 1992 by Melberg, singer/guitarist Angela Loy, bassist Jen Braun, and drummer Heather Dunn. They released two singles, an EP, and an influential self-titled LP before splitting in December of 1993. Melberg picked up the pieces and, after relocating to Portland, teamed up with Crimpshrine guitarist Paul Curran and Henrys Dress drummer (and future leader of the excellent Aislers Set) Amy Linton to form Go Sailor. They released three singles and a couple of compilation tracks (helpfully compiled on Go Sailor) before dissolving. While she was playing with Go Sailor, Melberg also began playing with Jen Sbragia in the Softies. Beginning in 1994, they recorded singles for K and Slumberland (two apiece) and three albums for K, including two absolute must-haves for indie pop lovers, 1995s Its Love and 2000s Holiday in Rhode Island. After 1998s Winter Pageant, Melberg married Mint Records owner Bill Baker and moved to British Columbia, where she began playing drums for Vancouver indie pop group Gaze. They lasted for two acclaimed albums, 1998s Mitsumeru and 1999s Shake the Pounce, before splitting. Melberg began working on solo material again around this time (she had previously released My Day on Ks international pop underground convention collection in 1992 and Cupid on a 1993 split flexi single for Slumberland), the results of which were collected on 1998s Portola for Double Agent Records. After the release of Holiday in Rhode Island in 2000, the Softies disbanded and Melberg left the world of music to raise her son. She returned in 2005 with a brief tour of the Pacific Northwest and an MP3 giveaway (through Double Agent) cover of Anne Briggs The Time Has Come. She seemingly took that sentiment to heart and in early 2006 released possibly the best record of her career, the enchanting Cast Away the Clouds.

