Trembling blue stars

简介: Trembling Blue Stars,一个如此诗意的名字却来自笔名Pauline Réage法国女作家在1954年出版的那本声名狼藉的小说The Story of O,这部兼哲理,色情描写和性受疟倾向于一体的小说其中有一段这样写道,“她的眼睛如同星星——颤动的蓝星(her e 更多>

Trembling Blue Stars,一个如此诗意的名字却来自笔名Pauline Réage法国女作家在1954年出版的那本声名狼藉的小说The Story of O,这部兼哲理,色情描写和性受疟倾向于一体的小说其中有一段这样写道,“她的眼睛如同星星——颤动的蓝星(her eyes were like stars, trembling blue stars)”。

在他的乐队Northern Picture Library解散之后,Trembling Blue Stars的创立者Bob Wratten带着这句话独自上路了,这是在1995年的伦敦,Bob有些忧郁的想着,这该是和Annemari有个了结的时候了吧,多年以来,Bob都和担任键盘手的女友Annemari Davies在The Field Mice和Northern Picture Library里合作,这种关系是工作上的,也是私人的。而作为当时独立厂牌Sarah的旗舰乐队,The Field Mice的解散如同Sarah的解散一样,所有人唏嘘不已。

Named in honor of a passage from Pauline Reage's infamous novel The Story of O, the melancholy Trembling Blue Stars heralded the return of singer/songwriter Robert Wratten, best known as the frontman of the British indie pop band the Field Mice. Ostensibly a solo project with significant input from producer Ian Catt, Trembling Blue Stars originally emerged in the wake of the dissolution of Northern Picture Library, the project Wratten mounted after the demise of the Field Mice with then-girlfriend Annemari Davies; 1996's Shinkansen label debut Her Handwriting explored the couple's breakup in heartbreaking lyrical detail, couching its elegiac songs in airy, evocative guitar soundscapes. As of 1998's Lips That Taste of Tears, some measure of reconciliation had apparently been reached, as Davies' ethereal vocal presence again surfaced. 2000's Broken by Whispers was issued in the U.S. on Sub Pop. That same year the band added Keris Howard (formerly of Brighter) on bass, Beth Arzy (formerly of Aberdeen) on backing vocals, and Jonathan Akerman on drums, and began playing live shows in the U.K. before journeying to the U.S. for the first time. With the help of another Sarah Records vet, Harvey Williams of Another Sunny Day, this same core group recorded 2001's Alive to Every Smile. Since then the band's lineup remained stable, but they left their longtime label, Shinkansen, and moved to Spanish indie Elefant before the release of 2004's The Seven Autumn Flowers. Bar/None released the album in the U.S., and the band returned for a few dates to promote the album. After the release of the Bathed in Blue EP in early 2005, the group recorded and released their sixth album, 2007's The Last Holy Writer.

Trembling blue stars详细资料(以下内容包含:Trembling blue stars 歌曲列表 专辑唱片列表等信息)
Trembling blue stars生日:

Trembling blue stars档案之所有专辑

  • 2007年推出专辑:《The Last Holy Writer》
  • 2001年推出专辑:《Alive To Every Smile》
  • 2000年推出专辑:《Broken By Whispers》
  • 1996年推出专辑:《Her Handwriting》