Sleeping Wolf

简介: Magic can happen by accident. That's certainly the case with up-and-coming Los Angeles alt-pop band, Sleeping Wolf. When producer Steven Sol 更多>

Magic can happen by accident. That's certainly the case with up-and-coming Los Angeles alt-pop band, Sleeping Wolf. When producer Steven Solomon and artist Jake Newton began writing together in the beginning of 2014, they quickly discovered they had stumbled onto something special. Fast forward six months, with nearly an entire album’s worth of music, they’ve already placed songs in major motion pictures such as Netflix's "Mission Blue" and Hillary Swank's latest film, "You're Not You." While their first EP is slated for release in 2015, their music is already finding it's way around and gathering steam. This is only the very infancy of a great band on the rise.

Sleeping Wolf详细资料(以下内容包含:Sleeping Wolf 歌曲列表 专辑唱片列表等信息)
Sleeping Wolf生日:

Sleeping Wolf档案之所有专辑

  • 2021年推出专辑:《The Wreck of Our Hearts》