Matt Adler

简介: 美国独立流行、摇滚男歌手、词曲作者
Ever since the tender age of 14, singer/songwriter Matt Adler has had a knack for writing songs with catchy melodies, 更多>

Ever since the tender age of 14, singer/songwriter Matt Adler has had a knack for writing songs with catchy melodies, lush instrumental arrangements and memorable harmonies. With influences ranging from brit pop and indie/acoustic artists to classical and eastern sounds, his music always remains interesting and energetic while staying firmly rooted in the indie/folk/pop genre.
Matt is a renowned guitar player in the city of San Antonio. His intricate instrumental lines coupled with his versatile voice (which can be soft and delicate as a whisper to powerful and commanding), his live experience is truly special.

Matt Adler详细资料(以下内容包含:Matt Adler 歌曲列表 专辑唱片列表等信息)
Matt Adler生日:

Matt Adler档案之所有专辑

  • 2011年推出专辑:《Rearranged》