
简介: 1987年成立,俄罗斯最炙手可热的组合之一。成员:键盘手、艺术总监巴-伊加里·谢尔克巴耶夫;贝司手-弗拉基米尔·米克洛什奇;主唱、吉他手-巴格兰·萨德瓦卡索夫;主唱-凯蒂(2005年初加入)。
A-Studio is a Russia-based pop music g 更多>

A-Studio is a Russia-based pop music group originally consisting of Kazakh musicians Vladimir Mikloshich (bass), Baigali Serkebayev (keyboard), Baglan Sadvakasov (solo guitar), and frontman Batyrkhan Shukenov (vocal and sax). The band was created in 1982 in Almaty, then called Alma-Ata, hence called "Alma-Ata Studio". Later, the name was changed to "A-Studio".