Kostas Martakis

简介: Kostas Martakis,1984.5.25出生于雅典,是希腊目前最火红的偶像,发迹于真人实境节目「Dream Show」之前。多才多艺的Kostas曾经当过Model、打篮球,还是电脑技师。2007年参加了在拉脱维亚举办的国际性音乐节「New Wave Festival」 更多>

Kostas Martakis,1984.5.25出生于雅典,是希腊目前最火红的偶像,发迹于真人实境节目「Dream Show」之前。多才多艺的Kostas曾经当过Model、打篮球,还是电脑技师。2007年参加了在拉脱维亚举办的国际性音乐节「New Wave Festival」,得到第4名,并获得第1的群众支持率,同时也是2008年希腊代表参加ESC的热门候选之一。
The young man values the attention of the near and dear ones. He is afraid of loneliness.
Kostas likes studying, playing basketball and listening to music in his free time. The best place for having a rest for the musician is on the Greek Islands. He dreams of singing a duet with Beyonce. The first album of the artist was called &Anatropi& (which means &reversal& in Greek) - it contained songs in pop-rock style, ballads and dance songs.
His secret dream is to become a singer and the artist has just started realizing it. Love inspires the young man to work. Kostas approves of people who strive hard and work to achieve their goals. Every time the artist participates in charity events, he feels satisfaction. The artist likes to wear jeans and his favorite aroma is Dior homme. His favorite colour is blue.
If Kostas Martakis was a sponsor, he would give money to build a hospital for remote African communities.
His favorite author is Charles Dickens and he likes pop-rock style of music and songs performed by Robbie Williams and Mika. Kostas can not cook. He believes in signs of fate, but he mostly believes in the ability of human beings. The artist's motto is &I always look forward&. He would like to star in an action movie. His favorite film is &Brave Heart&.
Athens, native for the artist is an amazing place where one can see modern life together with the history. Kostas would gladly travel back in time to ancient Greece when the civilization was at a very high level. Kostas lives by the sea and he has an excellent view out of his window!
The young performer likes taking part in competitions: he participated in them as a basketball player before, and as a singer now! The singer wants to continue doing that. He has heard a lot about the &New Wave& from his Russian friends. Kostas knows that participation in the contest in Jurmala is a wonderful opportunity to make himself and his music known in the biggest market in Europe. He won the &Jurmala audience's choice& award in Latvia.*

