Chotto Ghetto

简介: Chotto Ghetto应该算是一支比较不错的Punk乐团,他们的音乐不仅继承了硬核朋克摇滚和oi音乐的风格,同样汲取了鞭挞金属与民族音乐的特点。他们把朋克摇滚作为武器,并迅速成长为一支果敢年轻,执着坚毅的乐队。 他们用最狂躁的鼓点、最粗糙的失真、最暴烈的怒吼,战斗在反抗金钱统 更多>

Chotto Ghetto应该算是一支比较不错的Punk乐团,他们的音乐不仅继承了硬核朋克摇滚和oi音乐的风格,同样汲取了鞭挞金属与民族音乐的特点。他们把朋克摇滚作为武器,并迅速成长为一支果敢年轻,执着坚毅的乐队。 他们用最狂躁的鼓点、最粗糙的失真、最暴烈的怒吼,战斗在反抗金钱统治、阶级压迫、种族歧视的前线。
Chotto Ghetto was assembled in 2005. Since the band's first show with famed punk veterans Mike Park and Kevin Seconds, they have toured consistently on the West Coast with both punk and indie acts. The band has gone on two highly successful East Coast and Midwest tours with friends Bomb The Music Industry, the second of which included shows at The Fest 8 in Gainsville, Florida.
Chotto Ghetto is made up of Chris Candy, Jody Giachello, Fletcher Alliston, and Chris Shilakes. Following their self-released EP Shootin' Devils, Chotto Ghetto has put out two digital EPs, Rampage and Walk is Godlike, distributed via free download from Quote Unquote Records. In 2009, Chotto Ghetto released the split Simpler Times with friends Stab City, also available for free download at Upon the EP's release, the band continues to tour extensively, bringing unique, high intensity music to their listeners. In 2010 Chotto Ghetto will release an as-of-yet untitled cover song EP, a concept album titled Monstrosity, and the band's first official full-length album.

