Letzte Instanz

简介: 古典,金属,哥特,竭尽的在另类中释放自己。 小提琴和大提琴在摇滚的节奏中交相辉映出交响乐般的浪漫。 又仿佛听到民谣中洋溢出最纯粹的情感。 Letzte Instanz——无止尽的欢愉和无限的音乐。 Letzte Instanz——追 更多>

古典,金属,哥特,竭尽的在另类中释放自己。 小提琴和大提琴在摇滚的节奏中交相辉映出交响乐般的浪漫。 又仿佛听到民谣中洋溢出最纯粹的情感。 Letzte Instanz——无止尽的欢愉和无限的音乐。 Letzte Instanz——追求着心灵上的的至高纯净,,探测着灵魂的无尽深刻及情感的无限宽广。莽撞的尝试在音乐之上找寻生活的平衡。 乐队于1997年成立于德国艺术文化之都德累斯顿。 最初的成员均来自前东德,在城墙的包围之中积淀起对音乐最初的理解。经历了多次重组之后。乐队在音乐上的定位却始终飘忽。在过去和将来之间摇摆不定——是摇滚的力量, 还是古典的精致?终于,在2005年,乐队找到自己的方向——从此不曾改变。7个全新爱着音乐的人找到了彼此。如今的终审乐队成员分别来自前“两德”(Specki T.D., Micha和Oli来自阿尔卑斯山下的巴伐利亚,Benni Cellini, M.Stolz和Holly d.依旧常年守在德累斯顿),来自柏林的主音Holly,三年前搬到了博斯普鲁斯海峡附近,如今生活在伊斯坦布尔。音乐也不断展示着它的强大,它消除了空间上的距离,相隔万里的人在精神和心灵上依旧聚在一起。
by Chris True
Part of the ‘Mittlealter' rock movement in nineties and beyond Germany, Letzte Instanz managed to survive a great many membership changes whilst holding onto their rabid fanbase over the years. The group first saw the light of day in the eastern German city of Dresden in 1996. As stated above, the band went through many players, but the founders of Letzte were Hörbi, Tin Whistle, Muttis Stolz, Kaspar Wichman, Holly D., and Markus G-Punkt. The sextet released their first album, Brachialromantik, in 1998, just after the departure of vocalist Hörbi. Robin Sohn took over vocals, and the band soldiered on, recording and releasing their follow up, Das Spiel in 1999. The first bass player to fall from the ranks, Kaspar Wichman, made his departure at this time, and Rasta F. took over the vacancy. 2001 and 2002 were fairly uneventful for the band, save the release of 2001's Kalter Glanz, but in 2003, Letzte Instanz hit more bumps in the proverbial road. The addition of guitarist Oli was offset by the replacement of Rasta F. by bassist FX, and Markus G-Punkt vacated the drumstool -- he would be replaced by Specki T.D. In September of that year, the band released their next album, Götter Auf Abruf, which managed to get Letzte Instanz into the German charts for the first time. The following year saw the group releasing a live CD and DVD, but it also marked the year that three more members decided to leave the fold. Robin Sohn, Tin Whistle, and FX all left, to be replaced at the end of the year by Holly on vocals and Michael Ende on bass. Tin Whistle's vacancy was left open, but the band did add to the roster by including string players M. Stolz on violin and Benni Cellini on cello. 2005 was the year that the new Letze Instanz -- for the most part -- made its live debut, and the band released two further albums in 2006 and 2007, Ins Licht and Wir Sind Gold.

