
简介: ARSEBREED 是一支来自荷兰的BRUTAL DEATH乐队,乐队成员包括PYAEMIA、DISAVOWED、MANGLED等荷兰乐队的成员,这是乐队的第1张正式专辑,由荷兰地下极端音乐厂牌NEUROTIC RECORDS发表。这是一张闪耀着SUFFOCATION以及PYAE 更多>

ARSEBREED 是一支来自荷兰的BRUTAL DEATH乐队,乐队成员包括PYAEMIA、DISAVOWED、MANGLED等荷兰乐队的成员,这是乐队的第1张正式专辑,由荷兰地下极端音乐厂牌NEUROTIC RECORDS发表。这是一张闪耀着SUFFOCATION以及PYAEMIA音乐光辉的作品,其高超的技术性和强烈的美式残忍死亡音乐的前卫意识令人乐不思蜀。乐队主唱采用类似吹箫般的深度GUTTURAL唱腔(同时伴有少许的尖叫唱腔),厚度与力量感都非常突出,SICK的味道也异常浓郁,给人一种加强版的PYAEMIA的感觉。乐队的鼓手在这张作品中表现出了相当高超的技术水准:各种节奏的切换运用自如,高速BLAST BEAT与中速敲击小节的换位给人的听觉以极大的舒适感受;地鼓也始终有一条清晰的脉络,与军鼓的配合非常默契,塑造出了整体音乐飞沙走石般的滂沱气势。特别值得一提的是:ARSEBREED的鼓颗粒感非常清晰,每一次敲击都有清爽的节奏感,与PYAEMIA的表现手法非常类似,是那种可以让人过耳不忘的鼓击音色。乐队的吉他演奏在这张作品中也有着高超的发挥:RIFF的变换速度令人瞠目结舌,沉重的下切手法会让人很自然地联想到SUFFOCATION的作品;而一些有强烈昏厥效果的轮拨小节又会让人不自觉地想到DEEDS OF FLESH的歌曲;吉他音色从整体上来说更接近PYAEMIA等荷兰残忍死亡乐队,刚猛中透露着细腻,粗暴中渗透着流畅。乐队的吉他演奏可以说是本人非常喜欢的类型:在表现出强烈的技术性的同时,又不失新潮的元素。总之,这是一张值得推荐给喜欢SUFFOCATION及荷兰残忍死亡音乐的歌迷的作品,ARSEBREED也成为了近年来继PYAEMIA、DISAVOWED等乐队之后又一支来自荷兰的、令人瞩目的TECHNICAL US STYLE BRUTAL DEATH劲旅!
Arsebreed was founded durin winter 2000 and started out as a band totally devoted in making furious brutal US-style death metal in the vein of Deeds Of Flesh and Deicide.
After a few months a 5 track demo entitled "Arsestabbers" was recorded, which was self releases in April 2001 under the former bandname Bloodcum.
Reactions from the press and fans were overwhelming and this resulted in performing a lot of shows and getting recognition in the dutch and also german underground.
Everything was becoming more serious, yet unfortunately this could not be said about all band members. This finally resulted in a break up in 2002, where the band disbanded.
After 2 years founding members Daan and Pranger got back together and formed a new line-up around them to start off Arsebreed again.
Next to those two guitarists the line-up was completed with Frank (ex-Pyaemia) on bass, Joel (Pyaemia) and Robbe K (Disavowed) on vocals and Floris (Mangled) on drums.
With this new line-up the band sweated it out in the rehearsal spot to write their full length album, released in the second half of 2005 by Neurotic Records. Regardless of the obvious obligations to the other bands all members participate in the band have and will perform shows in support for their album. While Floris took off to focus on Mangled only, the band welcomes new drummer Romain Goulon in January 2006.

Arsebreed详细资料(以下内容包含:Arsebreed 歌曲列表 专辑唱片列表等信息)


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