Musica Vagantium

简介: 都是些中古迷们耳熟能详的歌,MUSICA VAGANTIUM重新演绎了。此团致力哥特和文艺复兴音乐演绎。就像很久以前的巡游学者为治学之道游遍欧洲,MUSICA VAGANTIUM也在各个国家(德国、瑞士、澳大利亚、意大利、西班牙、英格兰)巡回演出。他们在城堡、教堂、小礼堂、宴会, 更多>

都是些中古迷们耳熟能详的歌,MUSICA VAGANTIUM重新演绎了。此团致力哥特和文艺复兴音乐演绎。就像很久以前的巡游学者为治学之道游遍欧洲,MUSICA VAGANTIUM也在各个国家(德国、瑞士、澳大利亚、意大利、西班牙、英格兰)巡回演出。他们在城堡、教堂、小礼堂、宴会,中世纪——就像舞会和各种旧式集市那样的地方表演。除了专场音乐会以外,乐团全体也能随同出席剧院、舞蹈团、剑术表演、魔术和在充满火把的夜间表演。MUSICA VAGANTIUM能够以音乐来使它的听众们知道那个世代的音乐,不仅仅只有现今如何的人们通晓享受生活。
行吟诗人,印象中似乎最终是在公元前10世纪就有了,那时我的飞船刚刚停靠在一个此中任何一座山上都可以望见大海的国家(爆)……弹着里拉唱着“亲爱的缪斯,请听我的赞美”的时代,那个能诞生竞摧千帆美貌的地方,已经落幕尘封太久。中国显然是不适合行吟诗人生长的国家,喧嚣浮华,每个人都像机器上的零件,尽管每个白日接受阳光倾泻,也只撂下厚厚一层灰。现在、这里,平和、安逸。只是因为我在一个雪白的房间里,没人和我争夺甚么,甚么也不必思考。这样的夜晚,借由MUSICA VAGANTIUM还原中古,找回每个人心目中失落的宝物。
the ensemble MUSICA VAGANTIUM dedicates itself to the interpretation of Gothic and Renaissance music, first of all of that one which used to be played by strolling students - vagantes.
The music gets more impressive not only thanks to the period costumes but also with the help of historical instruments. As the ensemble interprets music from the oldest preserved musical sources to the 16th century music, even the single performances can be very varied.
The variety of the music offers also a possibility of giving concerts in various settings. MUSICA VAGANTIUM performs in castles, churches, smaller halls, at banquets, medieval - like feasts and balls and also in historical market places. Beside single concerts the ensemble can accompany performances of theatre companies, dance groups, fencers and swordsmen, jugglers and also night performances in the shine of torches, for example in the Turkish spirit.
Like the strolling students long long ago toured almost all Europe to get education, also MUSICA VAGANTIUM gave concerts in many countries (Germany, Swiss, Austria, Italy, Spain, England).
MUSICA VAGANTIUM can persuade its audience with its music that people at that time knew, not less than people nowadays, how to enjoy the life.
Zdeněk Kubík
singing, shawm, fipple flutes, cow-horns, shalimo, jingle bells, shajtholt, gong
Jitka Kubištová
singing, hurdy-gurdy, trumshajt, knackers, tambourine, hooves
Romana Neumannová
singing, drum, darbuka, mandolin, flute, shajtholt, gong, knackers
Jan Čmelák
singing, rebeck, darbuka, bagpipes, mandolin, shajtholt

