Burden of a Day

简介: Burden of a Day将会用自己的表演的功力树立起自己的名誉。在历经美国本土48州和欧洲的巡演中,他们展示出了在同行无法比拟的精力和风度。Burden of a Day从佛罗里达州的Sarasota开始了他们的巡演。在那个大部分是老龄人口的城市里,往往没有冬天的侵袭,而他 更多>

Burden of a Day将会用自己的表演的功力树立起自己的名誉。在历经美国本土48州和欧洲的巡演中,他们展示出了在同行无法比拟的精力和风度。Burden of a Day从佛罗里达州的Sarasota开始了他们的巡演。在那个大部分是老龄人口的城市里,往往没有冬天的侵袭,而他们也用热情消逝了舞台上原来冰冷的空气。在他们其后的巡演中,即使是最小规模的演出也能吸引大量的观众。
2004年一月成立以来,他们很快的形成了默契,这使得他们这些音乐人,能够经常在一起,从而形成了简明直白的创作特点。而这样的创作也感染了他们这一流派中的很多乐队。他们的流派却似乎很复杂。当问到他们的流派时,他们可能会告诉你他们属于Post Hardcore/Screamo或者其他类似的风格。但当你看到他们的演出时,你就会对他们“Post Hardcore”中的“Post”产生怀疑。他们的音乐很坚挺、很劲爆。深刻悠扬之中,又伴随着时长来到的强劲。很多相似的乐团受到了他们的感染,像Thrice,The Bled,Refused,Thursday,Beloved,和All That Remains。Burden of a Day坚守着他们所热爱的、伴随他们成长的音乐,并一定会继续前进,给下一代的音乐留下自己的痕迹
by Eduardo Rivadavia
Sarasota, FL's Burden of a Day was formed in 2004 and, perhaps a little precociously, released a debut album, Pilots and Paper Planes, less than two years later through independent Blood & Ink, in the process, earning very mixed reviews for their middling, screamocore style with Christian tendencies. So the quintet carried on rehearsing and toured exhaustively over the next few years, honing their stage presence and material all the while; and by 2008, vocalist Kendall Knepp, sibling guitarists Josh and Mike Sommers, bassist Terry Clark, and drummer Jesse Histetler, were handed a new deal with Rise Records for the release of their slightly improved sophomore album, Blessed Be Our Ever After.

