Flying Pickets

简介: The Flying Pickets译作飞行哨兵乐队成立于1982 年,是由一群由来自剧院的歌手所组成的,当时他们运用纯人来制作一出名为 “One Big Blow” (一阵大风) 的音乐剧,以矿工的立场来描写1982年英国当时煤矿大罢工的故事。因为推出后 更多>

The Flying Pickets译作飞行哨兵乐队成立于1982 年,是由一群由来自剧院的歌手所组成的,当时他们运用纯人来制作一出名为 “One Big Blow” (一阵大风) 的音乐剧,以矿工的立场来描写1982年英国当时煤矿大罢工的故事。因为推出后大受欢迎,飞行哨兵便接受来自各地的邀约,唱遍了伦敦大大小小的剧场、酒店及俱乐部;当时英国根本没有任何阿卡贝拉团体是从事流行(POP)及摇滚(Rock)音乐的表演,1983年以一曲 Only You 蝉联五周冠军排行榜,专辑全球大卖一千五百万张,于是以纯人声为演唱主轴的飞行哨兵便开辟出主流市场的新趋势~~~阿卡贝拉纯人声乐团演唱,其后,该团不但走红于英国更以其高超的人声技巧走上世界舞台
by Bradley Torreano
Socialist-fringe theater group 7:84 was using a cappella singing in a production in 1982 when they realized they enjoyed the singing more than the theater aspect of their group. They renamed themselves the Flying Pickets and began performing in the pubs and clubs of London. There were no other groups performing at the time with the same style at all, and they decided to introduce themselves on album with a live performance, 1983's Live at the Albany Empire. The sales were impressive enough to catch the attention of Virgin Records, which signed the group the same year. Their first single, "Only You," was a number one hit in the U.K. and spilled over into the rest of Europe soon after. They began to release albums, and although they were not huge successes, the band was content and continued on. In 1989, they were commissioned to write a musical theater production for the Theatre Royal Stratford in London. The show, which was based on working life in England, was a big success during its four-week run. They also branched into television music for the BBC, and continued to release albums. They worked throughout the '90s, releasing albums and touring very regularly. In 2001, they were still together and working on a new album, their first since 1998.

