White Denim

简介: White Denim是来自美国德州的车库摇滚乐队。很多在一个公司上班的同事们都开过一个玩笑:咱们组个乐队吧。但大多数都是说说,真正实践的没几个。White Denim就是这么个乐队,鼓手Josh Block、贝司手Steve Terebecki以及吉他兼主唱James Petr 更多>

White Denim是来自美国德州的车库摇滚乐队。很多在一个公司上班的同事们都开过一个玩笑:咱们组个乐队吧。但大多数都是说说,真正实践的没几个。White Denim就是这么个乐队,鼓手Josh Block、贝司手Steve Terebecki以及吉他兼主唱James Petralli原来都是当地的老乐手,组过很多乐队,但一直没玩起来。直到他们在一块儿开店之后,几个人觉得志同道合,组了这么个故意粗糙的脏朋克乐队。
The spastic indie rock trio White Denim hails from Austin, TX, where bandmates Josh Block (drums), Steve Terebecki (bass), and James Petralli (guitars, vocals) first set up shop in 2005. All three members were veterans of the Austin scene; Block and Petralli had previously played together in the alt-rock band Parque Torche, while Terebecki was a member of Peach Train. Drawing from a number of punk and garage rock influences, the group fashioned a hard-hitting sound with crunchy guitar riffs and frantic energy. Let's Talk About It, a 7& EP that was also released via iTunes, marked the band's studio debut in 2007.

