Does It Offend You, Yeah?

简介: 小简介
滚石形容这群令人欲罢不能的英国Dance-rocker们为“极端眩目,完美融合Daft Punk, Justice与Rage Against the Machine”。将极具感染力的电子与遒劲有力的摇滚节拍合而为一,DIOYY凭借其不拘一 更多>

滚石形容这群令人欲罢不能的英国Dance-rocker们为“极端眩目,完美融合Daft Punk, Justice与Rage Against the Machine”。将极具感染力的电子与遒劲有力的摇滚节拍合而为一,DIOYY凭借其不拘一格的狂暴现场演出逐渐成名,并曾与Nine Inch Nails,MGMT, Karen O, Peaches,Bloc Party 等艺人同台演出。
James Rushent
Daniel Coop
Robert Bloomfield
Mathew Derham
Chloe Dunford
Does It Offend You, Yeah? 是来自英国伦敦的电子乐队。签约于Virgin唱片公司。他们的音乐用他们自己的话来形容,就像“掉进湖里的街机”。2008年被RollingStone.com评为“新锐艺术家”。
An electronic-based rock four-piece from Reading and London, Does It Offend You, Yeah? made a mark with their raucous live shows and high-energy music that drew comparisons to !!!, LCD Soundsystem, and Digitalism. The band signed to Virgin and released its first album, You Have No Idea What You're Getting Yourself Into, in 2008. (The album included a free digital download for the Live at the Fez EP.) Members Rob Bloomfield (drums), Dan Coop (synth), Morgan Quaintance (vocals, synth, guitar), and James Rushent (bass) took their show on the road in early 2008, supporting the Cribs on the NME Awards Tour.

