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A Camp

歌手:A Camp歌曲



发行时间:2001-01-01 00:00:00

A Camp


▲The Cardigans自然率性女主唱单飞出击


▲首支单曲“I Can Buy You”流畅悦耳 不可不听


▲The Cardigans自然率性女主唱单飞出击


▲首支单曲“I Can Buy You”流畅悦耳 不可不听

凭著演唱卖座电影“罗密欧与朱丽叶”主题曲“Lovefool”而风靡全球,成功登上全美点播榜冠军、流行单曲榜8週亚军与英国金榜亚军的The Cardigans主唱Nina Persson,在与The Cardigans发行了4张专辑之后,这一次要给乐迷来点不一样的新鲜感受,推出首张个人大碟【A Camp】。

【A Camp】的概念诞生于一次Nina和Niclas Frisk(瑞典乐团Atomic Swing主唱和吉他手)在酒吧的随性谈天,当话题聊到音乐时,他们发现彼此都喜欢著相同的音乐,就这样,两人便开始共同创作、并完成了一些歌曲;这些歌再加上Nina后来独力创作的作品,组成了这张【A Camp】。制作人一职请来Sparklehorse的主唱与创作主力Mark Linkous担任,这也是Mark首次以制作人身份为别人作嫁,而Niclas Frisk也为这张专辑中的几首歌跨刀制作。 Nina形容在美国纽约录制【A Camp】的过程像是在游乐场一样愉快,他们一同寻找原始粗糙的、没有修饰的情感,再加上许多的取样和音效。像是公开自己私慾的日记一般,在唱腔和填词方面,Nina有别于The Cardigans时期的作品,表现出完全属于自己的个性气息。

【A Camp】是一张以乡村音乐为基调,揉合流行与摇滚节奏,变化出多样面貌的精采专辑;清新简单的空心吉他与口琴,搭配Nina媲美乡村传奇歌后Emmylou Harris,挥洒自如的声音表情,就足以让整张专辑丰富鲜美。不论是瀰漫忧鬱氛围的开场曲“Frequent Layer”、挑战摇滚酷女PJ哈维招牌曲式的“Hard As Stone”、轻鬆怡然的“Walking The Cow”、或是冷冽空灵的“Silent Night”,在在展现Nina的音乐风华。深获好评的碎心情歌“I Can Buy You”探讨了金钱究竟能不能买到爱情?Nina透过她温婉抒情的嗓音与悦耳流畅的乡村旋律告诉你答案…

A Camp breathes new life into the career of the Cardigans' Nina Persson. Recorded partly in New York and partly in Sweden, and produced almost entirely by Sparklehorse's Mark Linkous with a great deal of engineering help and instrument swapping from Shudder to Think's Nathan Larson, A Camp sparkles with country twang and lush orchestration. Many of the songs have been reworked from original recordings Persson made with producer Niclas Frisk. Persson saw those recordings as being too dark and depressed, so she approached Linkous with a plan to brighten the mood and tone of the songs. Having previously cited Linkous as her dream producer, it's clear that Persson is in fine spirits throughout the recording. The included CD-ROM video for "I Can Buy You" shows Persson brimming with content during the recording process and taking time out for Tetris, target practice, and basketball. For the most part, A Camp straddles a pop country sound that recalls the work of Lee Hazlewood, Dusty Springfield, and Wilco. Brill Building polish and country s