
简介: Hollenthon乐队成员来自前 PUNGENT STENCH,常以性虐为主题。“Domus Mundi"是Hollenthon的第一张专辑,乐队主脑在这专辑中充份表现出他的天才:主音、结他、低音结他和键琴的演奏都是由他负责,他甚至包办了专辑的录音、混音和包装设计。他的妻子则负 更多>

Hollenthon乐队成员来自前 PUNGENT STENCH,常以性虐为主题。“Domus Mundi"是Hollenthon的第一张专辑,乐队主脑在这专辑中充份表现出他的天才:主音、结他、低音结他和键琴的演奏都是由他负责,他甚至包办了专辑的录音、混音和包装设计。他的妻子则负责填词及女声部份. “Domus Mundi”的音乐基础是和而每一首歌都混入了不同的音乐元素,好像和运用了风笛和笛子的便充满中东感觉;"Lure-Pallida Mors加入了教堂式吟唱、合唱团和交响乐,营造出歌剧般的效果更渗出点点Gothic Metal的味道,而”Premonition-Lex Talionis”亦透过教堂吟唱和电影取样使得歌曲更富戏剧性;”Reprisal-Malis Avibus”起始的一段取样和之后的合唱令人联想到土著的祭祀仪式;”Vestige-Non Omnis Moriar”删去中段黑腔的部份便仿似是一首金属山歌。大量不同的民族乐器和民谣旋律被广泛应用于”Domus Mundi”之中,但Schirenc却能将这些不同的风格很自然地融合而不会予人做作的感觉,而歌曲的气氛也能和描写古代事迹般的叙事式歌词相配合。另外专辑的制作质素很高,各乐器的音色和定位都非常清晰,而取样的民族乐器和交响乐的像真度亦非常之高。
The innovative, genre-bending metal act Hollenthon is largely the work of Pungent Stench frontman Martin Schirenc, who plays guitar, bass, and keyboards, and also handles vocal and production duties for the band. Their music mixes elements of black and death metal together with synthesized string sections and choirs, ethnic/folk melodies, film soundtrack influences, and more to create an unusual, yet epic and bombastic sound. The idea for Hollenthon stretches back to 1994, at which time Schirenc appeared on an Austrian black metal compilation under the name Vuzem. It took several more years for him to put together his first full-length album, which he did with the help of new drummer Mike Groeger. Released under the Hollenthon banner and entitled Domus Mundi, it eventually came out in 1999 on France's Napalm Records and received rave reviews across Europe and elsewhere in the underground metal community, but it wasn't available in the U.S. until late 2000. The second Hollenthon release, With Vilest of Worms to Dwell, followed in 2001, also on Napalm Records.
