Robert Casadesus

简介: 别名:罗伯特.卡萨德修国籍:法国生日:1899 年 4 月 7 日职业:钢琴家,作曲家逝世日期:1972 年 9 月 19 日1899年出生于法国巴黎,1972年在巴黎逝世。卡萨德修十岁开始跟随姑姑罗丝.卡萨德修(Rose Casadesus)学习钢琴,后来在巴黎音乐院跟随李斯特 更多>



生日:1899 年 4 月 7 日


逝世日期:1972 年 9 月 19 日

1899年出生于法国巴黎,1972年在巴黎逝世。卡萨德修十岁开始跟随姑姑罗丝.卡萨德修(Rose Casadesus)学习钢琴,后来在巴黎音乐院跟随李斯特的学生杰梅学习,十四岁得到钢琴第一奖,1917年首次登台演出,1921年与钢琴家嘉比里拉(嘉比)结婚。由于和拉威尔的私人交情,卡萨德修第一场独奏会和曲目全部演奏拉威尔的作品,1927年与妻子开始合作一系列曲目以双钢琴或四手联弹为主的二重奏独奏会。卡萨德修于1935年在托斯卡尼尼Arturo Toscanini)的指挥下首度在美国登台演出,1940年移居美国并第一次在卡内基音乐厅露面。卡萨德修在1946年回到欧洲并且担任法国封腾布洛美洲音乐院校长。卡萨德修为数不少的唱片中包括拉威尔作品全集,他的音乐以优异的控制技巧及丰富的音色闻名,除此之外,他也是一位著名的教师与作曲家。

从艺历程:Robert Casadesus was born and died in Paris, and studied there at the Conservatoire with Louis Diémer, taking a Premier Prix (First Prize) in 1913 and the Prix Diémer in 1920. Robert then entered the class of Lucien Capet, who had exceptional influence. Capet had founded a famous quartet that bore his name (Capet Quartet) and in which two of Robert's uncles played: Henri and Marcel. The Quartet often rehearsed in the Casadesus home, and so it was that Robert was initiated into chamber music. The Beethoven Quartets held no secret for him—he knew them backwards and forwards without ever having played them.

Beginning in 1922, Casadesus collaborated with the composer Maurice Ravel on a project to create piano rolls of a number of his works. Casadesus and Ravel also shared the concert platform in France, Spain and England. Casadesus toured widely as a piano soloist and often performed with his wife, the pianist Gaby (L'Hôte) Casadesus, whom he married in 1921.

From 1935 Casadesus taught at the American Conservatory at Fontainebleau. He and his family spent the Second World War years in the United States and had a home in Princeton, New Jersey. (Among his Princeton neighbors was Albert Einstein, an amateur violinist; the two played Mozart together privately on occasion.[2] )

After the Battle of France Fall of France in 1940, Robert and Gaby established the Fontainebleau School at Newport, Rhode Island. In 1942 the Fontainebleau School was moved to Great Barrington, Massachusetts, in the Berkshires. In 1943, he performed as part of a series of New York concerts meant to raise money for the Coordinating Council of the French Relief Societies.[3]

After the war, in 1946, Robert Casadesus, now Director of the American Conservatory oversaw its return to Fontainebleau. His pupils included Claude Helffer, Grant Johannesen, Monique Haas, Mary Louise Boehm, Carol Lems-Dworkin, and William Eves, who appeared in the Casadesus based Bell Telephone Hour fine arts documentary TV series "The First Family of the Piano" (1967) and was a longtime piano instructor at Bowdoin College. He continued recording and composing; his last composition, the Symphony no. 7, "Israel," was a tribute to the people of Israel and was dedicated to his frequent collaborator George Szell ; Szell died in the year the work was completed, 1970, and it was not premiered until shortly after Casadesus's 1972 death, by an ensemble led by conductor Frederic Waldmann at Alice Tully Hall in New York City,.[4]

Robert and Gaby Casadesus had three children, Jean, Guy and Therese. Casadesus died in Paris, 19 September 1972, after a brief illness and only a few months after the death of his son Jean in an automobile accident. Gaby Casadesus died in Paris on 12 November 1999. In her later years she edited the works of Ravel for G. Schirmer, Inc.

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