
简介: 中文名:裸体淑女合唱团国籍:加拿大团员组成:Jim Creeggan,Kevin Hearn,Ed Robertson,Tyler Stewart团员人数:4代表作品:《One Week》《the history of everything》《break your heart》裸 更多>



团员组成:Jim Creeggan,Kevin Hearn,Ed Robertson,Tyler Stewart


代表作品:《One Week》《the history of everything》《break your heart》

裸体淑女合唱团(Barenaked Ladies)是一个曾获得格莱美提名的加拿大摇滚乐队,由1988年活跃至今。2007年乐队为生活大爆炸写了主题曲。 98年因一曲“One Week”荣登全美告示单曲及现代摇滚榜双料冠军,让Barenaked Ladies一下子红翻全球,也让乐迷们正视及注意到他们的音乐。这组成军于加拿大多伦多的Barenaked Ladies,由主唱兼吉他手Steven Page、主奏吉他手Ed Robertson两位为乐团主轴及创作中心。他们于92年推出的首张专辑《Gordon》,在广泛融合民谣、摇滚、蓝调等元素加上幽默自省、轻松活泼等漫想的词意内容,让Barenaked Ladies首次出击即获得了满堂彩,All Music Guide网站更给《Gordon》四颗星的高评。

基本内容:在Barenaked Ladies Are Me发行之后的第二张专辑,也是他们放弃大厂牌之后的第二张专辑,这支加拿大团体是我认为被 underappreciated的代表,他们的音乐总是能够给人惊喜,虽然我不是很喜欢他们最成功的One Week,但是对于其他的一些作品我是相当喜欢的,对于他们商业上的不完全成功感到很失望,他们的这张专辑依然如同之前的专辑一样的好听,虽是indie 乐队,但是绝对要超越很多英国的indie团体,也许他们最大的资本就是音乐的好听。
他们演唱了美剧The big bang theory的主题曲《the history of everything》
他们广受好评的歌曲有《it's only me》《what a good boy》《brain wilson》《it's all been done》《pinch me》
Barenaked Ladies Are Men is a companion disc to the predecessor, Barenaked Ladies Are Me. Although recorded during the same studio sessions, the discs were released five months apart. Are Me is the quieter of the two, while Are Men could be described as the feistier, noisier twin brother. Given their adult contemporary history, the Ladies's version of 'feisty' is hardly a venture into death metal, however Are Men contains an evolutionary quality that may well bring new fans into the fold. Nearly two decades into their career, the lads' growth can in part be measured by a handful of increasingly layered soundscapes ("Serendipity," "Another Spin") that bear a slight resemblance to the harmonies that the Beach Boys were penning around the time of their Pet Sounds release. The disc's biggest surprise is the politically cutting "Fun& Games," written from the perspective of a world leader assessing the war. "There's no need to draft them/you could hear us laugh then/the poor and black all need the room and board" sings Ed Robertson, as a New Orleans-style jazz band poignantly encircles the vocals. "One and Only" is a lush track that combines the harmonies a la Crosby, Stills, and Nash with a Foo Fighters-style chorus. Longtime fans can rest easy, however knowing that other tracks ("Running out of Ink," "Half a Heart") are done in that straight-up, traditional Barenaked style that fuses catchy pop melodies with clever lyrics.
