
简介: Subdigitals乐队成员:Nico、Chris、Ben。
他们自从中学就是邻居和朋友(他们都是Kadic学校的学生呢!),Nico、Chris和Ben对音乐有同样的热情,使他们成为最好及不会分开的好朋友……永远。他们自组一队乐队,在Ben父母的车库中秘密联系。由于 更多>

Chris是Subdigital的乐队成员之一, 在第68集首次登场, 是Jim的侄子。在乐队中担任鼓手。
Nico是Subdigital的乐队成员之一, 在第72集首次登场。在乐队中担任吉他手。
Ben是Subdigital的乐队成员之一, 在第72集首次登场。在乐队中担任低音吉他手。
The Subdigitals are a techno band that is closely linked with Code Lyoko. The band has released a music CD called "Code Lyoko Featuring the Subdigitals". The CD contains 12 tracks and has been released in both English and French.
The lead guitar player is Jérôme Rebotier; the bass guitar player is David Masson; the keyboard players are Payet Pigeon, David Hadjadj, and Jérôme Reboiter. The Drummer is Chris Morales. The lead singer is Sebastian Davin.
On Code Lyoko
Ben, Nico and Chris AKA The Subdigitals
The Subdigitals is based off of the fictional band of the show Code Lyoko. The drummer is Chris Moralés, the nephew of Jim Moralés. The other two members are Nico and Ben, and their stage manager is Sophie. In Season 2, they were called the Subsonics stated by Ulrich in episode Saint Valentine's Day. They changed their name to the Subdigitals in Season 4. The band held an audition to see who would open for them in a concert,Odd tried out also but Aelita got the part. It seems, in a hive mind sort of away, every student at Kadic is a fan of the Subdigitals.
