Vitalij Kuprij

简介: 神指弹奏出精灵国度中熟悉的音符
Artension、Ring Of Fire 当家键盘手
1974 年出生在前苏联加盟国 -- 乌克兰的钢琴神童 Vitalij Kuprij 他曾得过无数钢琴比赛的首奖,最为眾人所乐 更多>

Artension、Ring Of Fire 当家键盘手
1974 年出生在前苏联加盟国 -- 乌克兰的钢琴神童 Vitalij Kuprij 他曾得过无数钢琴比赛的首奖,最为眾人所乐道的是他曾拿过国际青年萧邦钢琴大赛的冠军,16 岁时他离开乌克兰前往瑞士进修,那时遇见了吉他手 Roger Staffelbach,他们组了一个叫做 "Atlantis Rising" 的摇滚乐团,随后 VK 在基辅音乐学院继续深造,直到21岁时前往美国追求更高的钢琴演奏领域

天生多才多艺的 VK,除了在古典钢琴的领域闻名外,也跨足进入重金属摇滚的世界,这时他和老友吉他手 Roger 在美国找了印地安血统的主唱 John West、贝斯手 Kevin Chown、鼓手 Mike Terrana 合组 Artension 这个新古典金属乐团,发行了六张专辑,"New Discovery(2002)"、"Sacred Pathways(2001)"、"Machine (2000)、"Forces Of Nature(1999)"、"Phoenix Rising(1997)"、"Into The Eye Of The Storm(1996)",并且出版了三张充满新古典风味的键盘演奏专辑,搭配了三位当今乐坛上的吉他大师,分别是1997年"High Definition,吉他手 Tony MacAlpine"、1998年"Extreme Measures,吉他手 George Bellas"、1999年"VK3,吉他手Greg Howe" 和古典钢琴专辑”Works Of Liszt And Chopin”(2001)。他还为主唱 Mark Boal、John West,吉他手 Greg Howe、James Murphy、Tony Hernando 等人跨刀,当然古典金属名团 Ring Of Fire 也少不了他的参与。
Keyboards: Vitalij Kuprij
Guitars: Greg Howe
Bass: Greg Howe
Drums: Jon Doman
by Greg Prato
Born in 1974 in Volodarka, Kiev, Ukraine, keyboardist Vitalij Kuprij has received numerous awards for his playing talents, and has covered a wide variety of musical styles throughout his career, including classical and prog rock, among others. During his early years, Kuprij won the first prize in the All-Union Chopin Competition held in the Republic of Kazan, Soviet Union, as well as the top honor at the Geneva Duo Competition for Violin and Piano (in addition, he appeared on Ukranian radio and TV performing concertos by both Beethoven and Chopin). By the age of 16, Kuprij had left the Ukraine and in 1993, formed his first prog metal band, Atlantis Rising, with guitarist Roger Staffelbach. After Kuprij relocated to the U.S. in 1995, the band later mutated into Artension, signing to Mike Varney's Shrapnel label and issuing such albums as 1996's Into the Eye of the Storm, 1997's Phoenix Rising, 1999's Forces of Nature, and 2000's Machine. Alongside his work with Artension, Kuprij began to issue his own solo albums on Shrapnel as well -- 1997's High Definition, 1998's Extreme Measures, 1999's VK3, and 2001's Plays the Works of Liszt and Chopin: Piano. In addition, Kuprij has performed with the New York Youth Symphony at Carnegie Hall, and, in 2001, was penning material for a new outfit, Ring of Fire, a collaboration with former Yngwie Malmsteen vocalist Mark Boals.

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