Medusa is the second solo album by the Scottish singer Annie Lennox, released in March 1995. The album yielded four U.K. singles: "No More I Love You's" (which entered the UK singles chart at No. 2, Lennox's highest ever solo peak), "A Whiter Shade of Pale", "Waiting in Vain" and "Something So Right".The album was nominated for Best Pop Vocal Album at the Grammy Awards of 1996, losing to Turbulent Indigo by Joni Mitchell, however, Lennox took home the Best Female Pop Vocal Performance award for her work on the first single "No More I Love You's." 


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歌手:Annie Lennox歌曲



发行时间:1995-03-06 00:00:00




★收录电影「美国情缘」主题曲(Train 更多>


★收录电影「美国情缘」主题曲(Train In Vain),重新诠释包括新浪潮团Love Speaks、英伦庞克先驱The Clash等十首经典老歌

继92年春以首张个人创作专辑『Diva』登上英国榜冠军、在美国创下逾两百万张的销售量,并提名三项葛莱美奖之后,以华丽冷艳的女伶形象成功建立起个人风格的前新浪潮二人组合-Eurythmics女主唱Annie Lennox,于95年再次挑战自我,推出了翻唱专辑『Medusa』(希腊神话中的蛇髮女妖,拥有用眼睛将人变石头的能力),企图藉由突破窠臼的手法赋予老歌全新的生命,并让一些遭到遗忘的经典之作得到再次发光的机会。

「这张专辑中包含了我基于各种理由而深受其吸引的曲子,」Lennox表示,「它们并非依据我心目中任何主题或想法而被挑选,比起设计构思,它更仰赖的选曲方式是直觉。」也因此,在『Diva』中与Lennox合作愉快的制作人Stephen Lipson,这回以多样化的编曲风格,搭配絃乐、口琴、手风琴等丰富的器乐,试图衬托出Lennox深沉且富于磁性的迷人唱腔,而她自己则是担纲了键盘与长笛的演奏。

在这张登上英国榜第11名的白金专辑中,经Lennox重新诠释的老歌包括80年代英籍新浪潮乐团Lover Speaks的「No More "I Love You’s"」、Al Green写给灵魂歌手Sly Johnson的75年代表作「Take Me To The River」、英籍迷幻/前卫摇滚乐团Procol Harum的67年畅销单曲「A Whiter Shade Of Pale」、加拿大摇滚老将Neil Young的「Don’t Let It Bring You Down」、英伦庞克先驱The Clash的「Train In Vain」、摩城灵魂美声组合The Temptations的69年冠军曲「I Can’t Get Next to You」、苏格兰民谣摇滚乐团The Blue Nile的「Downtown Lights」、70年代纽约灵魂美声组合The Persuaders的「Thin Line Between Love & Hate」、雷鬼之父Bob Marley的名作「Waiting In Vain」,和纽约民谣摇滚巨擘Paul Simon的「Something So Right」等,想体验其不同音乐风情的乐迷们不容错过。

Medusa is the second solo album by the Scottish singer Annie Lennox, released in March 1995. The album yielded four U.K. singles: "No More I Love You's" (which entered the UK singles chart at No. 2, Lennox's highest ever solo peak), "A Whiter Shade of Pale", "Waiting in Vain" and "Something So Right".The album was nominated for Best Pop Vocal Album at the Grammy Awards of 1996, losing to Turbulent Indigo by Joni Mitchell, however, Lennox took home the Best Female Pop Vocal Performance award for her work on the first single "No More I Love You's."