
简介: 在纳什维尔汲取了充足养分,歌手、作曲家、制作人、表演艺术家Andy Tubman,亦称Skinnytubs,创作出了轻快、愉悦的旋律。歌曲温暖而又亲切的特性征服了乐迷。例如KEITH GATTIS在2016制作的专辑“Sea of Sin”中的单曲“Chill”,朴素却又不失情感 更多>

在纳什维尔汲取了充足养分,歌手、作曲家、制作人、表演艺术家Andy Tubman,亦称Skinnytubs,创作出了轻快、愉悦的旋律。歌曲温暖而又亲切的特性征服了乐迷。例如KEITH GATTIS在2016制作的专辑“Sea of Sin”中的单曲“Chill”,朴素却又不失情感的词曲仿佛让人们看到Jeff Buckley和Ray LaMontagne。另外,Andy Tubman在州立精神病院当音乐理疗师工作的经验,更为由忧郁气质小生艾德里安·布洛迪 / 英伦玫瑰凯拉·奈特莉主演的电影《灵幻夹克》(The Jacket)的片尾曲《Quiet Inside》,带来独特的灵感。

作为LA乐队The Jane Doe’s的创始人,Tubman正在准备自己制作且即将发行的专辑Ache For Strange. 专辑中合作的对象包括Thundercat的Dennis Hamm(键盘&合成器),Fitz and the Tantrums的James King(长笛),Ache For Strange是一张令乐迷忧郁却又无法自拔的灵魂杰作。

Drawing from his Nashville roots, singer songwriter, producer, film composer and performer Andy Tubman, aka Skinnytubs, creates lilting melodies and sensual grooves which captivate with warm intimacy. Songs such as “Chill” from the 2016 Keith Gattis produced album, Sea of Sin, evoke the sounds of Jeff Buckley and Ray LaMontagne with emotional spellbinding and stunning simplicity. In addition, Tubman’s experience as a licensed music therapist working in psychiatric hospitals was the inspirational backdrop for his song, Quiet Inside, from the film, The Jacket starring Adrien Brody and Keira Knightley.

A cofounding member of the LA based groove band, The Jane Does, Tubman now prepares for his self-produced and soon-to-be-released solo album, Ache For Strange. With a diverse collaborative cast including Dennis Hamm of Thundercat (keys and synth) and James King of Fitz and the Tantrums (flute), Ache For Strange is a down-tempo soul pop masterwork that woos listeners into melancholy rapture.

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