Wesley Jamison

简介: 卫斯理·贾米森(Wesley Jamison)以其臭名昭著的R&B声音在香港本地音乐界中崭露头角,他声名狼藉的本地流行歌曲“糖果城”,“ TY”和“我的宝贝”。来自法国巴黎北郊的嘻哈音乐在贾米森(Jamison)的文化成长中一直起着关键作用,使音乐一直是第二自然。贾米森(Jami 更多>

卫斯理·贾米森(Wesley Jamison)以其臭名昭著的R&B声音在香港本地音乐界中崭露头角,他声名狼藉的本地流行歌曲“糖果城”,“ TY”和“我的宝贝”。来自法国巴黎北郊的嘻哈音乐在贾米森(Jamison)的文化成长中一直起着关键作用,使音乐一直是第二自然。贾米森(Jamison)还在嘻哈三人组XABITAT的R&B部门任职,与他一起以Mama Told Me品牌主持活动。贾米森(Jamison)在巨大的音乐影响下成长,带来了波浪状,令人振奋的节奏,引领了这座城市的嘻哈运动。

自2015年以来,贾米森(Jamison)表演了超过30场演出,从头条新闻到当地地下事件,直至达到Clockenflap,Bloomfest HK,巴厘岛吉普赛人节(GypsyLand Festival Bali)等阶段。与XABITAT的其他成员一样,贾米森(Jamison)激起了香港新一波音乐浪潮。

Wesley Jamison made his mark in Hong Kong’s local music scene pioneering the sultry R&B sound, with his infamous local hits “Candy Town”, “TY”, and “My Baby”. Hailing from the northern suburbs of Paris, France, where hip hop had always played a key role in Jamison’s cultural upbringing, making music had always been second nature. Jamison also hustles the R&B arm of the hip-hop trio XABITAT, with whom he runs events with under the Mama Told Me brand. Growing up under heavy musical influence, Jamison brings a new thread of wavy, soul-sizzling beats pioneering the city’s hip hop movement.

Since 2015, Jamison has performed over more than 30 shows, from headlining local underground events to reaching the stages of Clockenflap, Bloomfest HK, GypsyLand Festival Bali, and more. Along with the rest of the members of XABITAT, Jamison has instigated the incoming tide of a new wave of music in Hong Kong.

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