
简介: 来自德国首都柏林的硬核朋克乐队NOTHING,尽管组建只有三年不到的时间,但乐队所有成员都已经在德国硬核圈子里摸爬滚打多年,他们坚定不移地坚持老牌硬核风格,令他们在新派硬核为主流的当今乐坛,显得格外扎眼。
NOTHING的五位成员主唱Jobst、 更多>

NOTHING的五位成员主唱Jobst、吉他手Matthias和Matze、贝斯手Mark以及鼓手Ronny是多年的挚友,尽管之前都分散在不同的乐队里,但他们组到一起之后迅速产生了化学反应,也令NOTHING很快从众多乐队中脱颖而出。2011年4月,NOTHING的首张专辑《Double Dose of Negativity》一经发表,立刻引起了德国硬核领域的关注。
At the end of 2010 a new band appeared on the wide HC/punk map of Berlin - NOTHING. Although the band is new, its members are far from newbies. Included in the crew are people who have been involved in the HC/punk scene in Germany for many years - Jobst (HIGHSCORE, MONSTER, PEACE OF MIND)- vocals ; Matthias (HIGHSCORE, DURANGO 95) and Matze (MONSTER, COSTAS CAKE HOUSE)- guitars; Mark (BOMBENALARM, NAILS)- bass guitar; Ronny (SITUATIONS) - drums.
Their past experience and a strong urge to find a way of releasing their creative expressions resulted in a debut release which we didn’t have to wait long for. It has the force of a full-length album where you can find some bits and pieces of former bands but more influences from the Japanese „Burning Spirit” era hardcore or no bullshit no prisoners sound of Poison Idea and touch of late 80's NYC hardcore. no looking back and no xerox of the past.
"Double dose of negativity” is divided into eight pills which when taken one after another cause an immediate return to reality. Starting off „With no expectations and with nothing to lose,” the band gives no illusions or empty clichés. Instead, it's a honest story about burn outs, lies, failures and growing old in a city where grassroots and independent culture are pushed out and brutalized by pseudo-artists, hipsters, trends and people celebrating their boredom and emptiness. It seems the youthful idealism of the five guys from Berlin is long gone but their passion, involvement and down to earth critical views are still here - stronger than ever.
